Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cyber Bullying

I just watched a really good movie called Cyber Bully. I have seen it before. I would like to say don't bully others! I mean why do it. It is just awful plain awful. Some people even kill themselves because they are so bullied! So don't bully others. Think Before You Speak. Your words can easily hurt others.                            

Cyber Bullying

I just watched really good movie called Cyber Bully. Why do it? Does it make you feel better when you bring down others. Stop Bullying. It hurts others. Think Before You Speak.    

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Animal Abuse

How important are animals really?

I will answer that question for you. Animals are as just as important as us! Lately I have been watching a show called Animal cops. It shows just how badly we treat animals! I was so horrified when I saw just how many animals are not only beaten but left behind to suffer. I have always had a passion for animals of all kind! I have lots of animals myself! I would love if everyone who reads this would please donate money to the SPCA. They need it very much. I just made a donation today and felt great after! Even if you don't have the money to donate please keep them in your prayers! Just $5 could help a poor animal in need! We owe it to them! I hope this chances the you look at animals forever. 

Me and My Horses

Hey guys! I'm Meredith Petter. I ride horses! I have two horses Charlie and Wodka. I do 1st level Dressage with Wodka. Charlie is my  first pony! I just mess around with him now. I will mostly blog about my horses. But if you have ANY requests please just ask!